Un Bocado de Historia Know about our gastronomic culture
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Who is Chef Vanessa Dominguez?
Chef by trade and above all, by choice, Vanessa comes from Mexico City; in love with Mexican cuisine and its history; food connoisseur who considers that preparing any kind of meal uses passion and love as key ingredients to make any dish become an epiphany.
Born July 8, 1979, and raised in Coyoacán, Mexico City, her roots come from the state of Campeche in Southern Mexico, and this background, combined with growing up in a family interested in science, gave a very special nuance to her life since she was always surrounded by folklore, cooking, culture, arts, and science.
She discovered her cooking vocation during elementary school, carrying it in her veins since her paternal grandmother was a great cook. Determined to develop this talent into a profession, she studied gastronomy at Universidad Panamericana.
She specialized in traditional Mexican cuisine with the renowned chef Victor Moreno Valencia.
After graduating, she gained 15 years of experience in several places; her most outstanding jobs were in Konditori Restaurant in Santa Fe as Class B Cook and in Club de Golf Bosques de las Lomas Class A Cook.
Also, as a teacher, she has made a remarkable work as chef instructor, mainly in institutions like the Centro Escolar y de Capacitación Profesional Restaurantero CECAPREST and in Universidad Lucerna.
She was also an external consultant at Hotel Villas Coral in Huatulco Bay, Oaxaca and at Comedores Prisma, S.A. De C.V. (2008).
She won EL FOGÓN SAINT JULIEN 2003 2nd edition award, achieving international publication of her work “Salpicón en Salsa Molcajeteada y Martajada” in the book Cuadernos del Fogón II, organized by Radio France Internationale, in Paris.
She has been interviewed in radio shows such as LA COCINA DE NUESTROS ANCESTROS in Radio Ciudadana IMER AM (2005).
She judged the semifinal of “LA MEJOR COCINERA DE LA CIUDAD DE MÉXICO” 2009, a competition organized by Mexico City’s government and the IRON CHEF TOKS 2009 contest. She was also a member of the brigade that prepared the meals for the event Celebración del Bicentenario de la Independencia de México (2010).
She wrote a column for the HOY magazine in its gastronomy section from July 2009 to July 2013. She has also written many articles that were published by the newspaper 1900.
Constantly driven by improvement and renovation and while following her call to serve, she decided to study a second professional career in the Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social at UNAM in order to combine her two interests: cooking and community.
While studying her degree in social work, she became one of the top students thanks to her learning achievements and represented her school by participating in the social work academic exchange with the CENTER FOR GLOBAL EDUCATION AUGSBURG COLLEGE (2011). She also participated in the gathering Segunda Tertulia Internacional Entre Universitarios organized by the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales at UNAM, titled “Los retos de la pobreza en México y Michigan” (2014). She co-authored the Manual Socioeducativo en Cooperativismo y Economía Social y Solidaria, UNAM (2014), sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Institut fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (dvv-International).
Her thesis Cambios en la Alimentación Popoloca de la Comunidad de San Juan Atzingo Puebla earned her degree in social work, and she has continued her training in gastronomy by studying several diploma courses at Universidad Iberoamericana. She shares her knowledge through gastronomic gatherings, tours, and lectures about cuisine history with foreign visitors as well as with those interested in Mexico’s gastronomic culture.
Her company Un Bocado de Historia has led different foreign groups to live a unique culinary experience.
Our MAGAZINE, where you will find interesting articles, news, cooking tips, etc., and in our “GASTRONOMY BOOK CORNER” you will find gastronomy books recommendations and reviews.
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https://www.natalietaylor.org/post/chiles-en-nogada-a-national-dish-with-a-history Chiles en nogada: a national dish with a history
Crónica de un viaje inolvidable
Chef. Vanessa Domínguez Crónica de un viaje inolvidable. Hoy quiero