Chef. Vanessa Domínguez
My first years as a gastronomic columnist
Today my heart is filled with nostalgia, just as I begin to reminisce about how much I enjoyed writing and how today we are having to bring ourselves up to date and adapt to these new digital times, just when we know nothing will ever be the same way it was before, and modernity itself becomes a challenge, at least to those of us who were not born in the digital age.
Just as I was thinking all this, I came across a couple of articles I wrote during my years collaborating with HOY magazine. I must say this brings me very good memories, since the name I gave to my column back then is precisely the name that makes this project into what it is today, after years of lovingly building its foundations, and I never imagined at the time that Un Bocado de Historia would become all that it is nowadays and what gives meaning to my professional career.
So today, let us take a little trip back in time into my own past, a taste of my own history.
A few years ago, it was the year 2009, and as I wandered through one of the pathways of the Viveros de Coyoacán, delighting in both the contact with nature and the beauty of exercise, I met Hugo de la Torre, a very driven businessman and entrepreneur who invited me to take part as a columnist in his magazine, which was called “HOY,” having for the first time my own column to write about food. It was a very exciting time, since with every new project one has to get involved and wear the team’s colors so that things go well. It was not the first time I wrote for printed media; I had worked for a culture newsletter named 1900 between 2001 and 2002; however, I had never had the satisfaction that this opportunity offered, being able to write about food like I wanted and to discuss the subjects I wanted. This relationship with HOY magazine ran its course very naturally and organically, and although during the first years, as is often the case in such projects, I had no financial remuneration for my work, but rather did it just for the sheer joy it brought me; after a few years and up until 2013, I was not only able to write but was paid to do so, which was of course very encouraging. Nonetheless, all things must come to an end and so did my collaboration with the magazine, due to various circumstances that prevented its continuation, however, all the good memories of this first opportunity, of those first moments, will remain forever in my heart as great experiences.
Today I want to share with you two of the many articles I wrote for the magazine back in the day, both from 2011. I fondly remember and thank Hugo de la Torre and HOY magazine for giving me the opportunity to express myself freely.